IMPALA’s Actions to Reduce its own Climate Impact

IMPALA’s climate efforts focus on seeking to reduce IMPALA’s own footprint and encouraging more sustainable business practices within the European independent sector. For our sector programme click hereMembers can access the calculator for free and measure their footprint. For our own footprint work, this is what we’ve done so far:  

  • Incorporate sustainability in IMPALA’s mission, share expertise with members reflecting our goals in our communication materials – brochure, website, panels etc. and identifying this as one of our priorities. 
  • Set up a climate action task force, adopt chartermembers programme 
  • Recognise the emergency by signing the Music Declares Emergency Declaration in 2019 and awarding the initiative with our outstanding contribution awardWe also asked members to sign the declaration and sent them the MDE advice for labels. 

  • We aim to meet the targets set out in our Climate Declaration for members.
  • IMPALA external catering is vegetarian and local. 
  • IMPALA board meetings are paper-free. 
  • We started reducing board meeting frequency in 2018 and are now down to 4 per year – 2 online, 2 in person. 
  • We coined a new policy “no single use travel” banning business trips that only serve one purpose (unless essential or expedient), inspired by campaigns to reduce single use plastics. 
  • We support relevant campaigns such as  Music Declares Emergency and Julie’s Bicycle, including in Brussels.
    Read here about the meeting with Commissioner Gabriel and Commissioner Timmermans.
  • We sent Music Declares Emergency recommendations for labels to our members and asked them to sign the declaration.  
  • We calculate our carbon footprint with the IMPALA Carbon Calculator (2021-2022 and 2022-2023), championed by Merlin and Murmur
  • We compensate for emissions that we cannot immediately remove by financing transformative climate change mitigation work through Murmur.
  • For office supplies we use a local, ethical and ecological provider Pandava.  
  • When we set up our office we sourced used furniture.  
  • We reduce printing to a minimum and recycle our waste in the office. 
  • IMPALA  does not provide any company cars. All employees are encouraged to use public transport for their commute if they can’t walk or cycle. 
  • IMPALA is a supporter of Murmura climate investment initiative founded by leaders in climate strategy and the creative industries, which enables the worlds of visual arts and music to play their part in combatting the climate crisis.

IMPALA – Independent Music Companies Association

Rue des Deux Eglises 37-39, 1000, Brussels, BELGIUM

+32 2 503 31 38