Brussels, 5th October 2015,

IMPALA welcomes the move in France to adopt a memorandum for the fair development of online music. This builds on initiatives such as the WIN Fair Digital Deals Declaration adopted last summer by the global independent community, and will set new standards for labels and artists.

Helen Smith, IMPALA Executive Chair commented: “This underlines the lead the independents have taken in this field and will be further food for thought in the ongoing IMPALA debate about making sure artists and performers are properly remunerated.”

Designed to ensure all proceeds are shared and improve transparency, the WIN Declaration was met with enthusiasm in Europe last year, when two thirds of the signatories were European labels.

IMPALA will also continue to seek other improvements to ensure the sector is able to negotiate better value for all actors. This involves addressing the “value gap” caused by certain players who avoid paying proper remuneration, and tackling the imbalance in negotiating power with online platforms, as well as the recommendations in IMPALA’s Digital Action Plan to promote and measure diversity.

In this regard, IMPALA also welcomes the broader aspects of the new memorandum in France, including the work that will promote diversity online and make the economics of the music sector easier to navigate.

Helen Smith concluded: “This is all part of the big question of how we achieve value and the independent sector is proud of its track record, with last year’s fair deals declaration. The independents’ negotiation with Apple over its streaming service is another example, leading to better terms for the whole music sector, including the majors. Bringing more value into the sector and promoting diversity is a fundamental part of IMPALA’s work to level the playing field and recognise that all artists are born equal.”

English version of the Memorandum (download).

IMPALA – Independent Music Companies Association

Rue des Deux Eglises 37-39, 1000, Brussels, BELGIUM

+32 2 503 31 38