Brussels / Hamburg, 21st September 2018

Meet the nominees for the Music Moves Europe Talent Awards

The European sound of today and tomorrow

Today, the nominees for the Music Moves Europe Talent Awards were announced at the Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg, Germany. This brand new annual music prize celebrates emerging artists who represent the European sound of today and tomorrow. All winners will be presented at the award ceremony during the opening night of ESNS 2019.

A total of twenty-four outstanding artists are nominated for the Music Moves Europe Talent Awards. An international jury will select two winners from each of the following six genres: pop, rock, electronic, r&b/urban, hip-hop/rap and singer-songwriter.

All twelve winning artists will be rewarded with a performance at ESNS, a training programme and financial support for touring and promotion. Furthermore, all winners compete for a public choice award, which will be announced at the award ceremony during ESNS, January 19th, 2019.

And the nominees for Music Moves Europe Talent Awards are:


  • Her (FR)
  • Soleima (DK)
  • Bishop Briggs (GB)
  • Lxandra (FI)


  • Pale Waves (GB)
  • Warhaus (BE)
  • Pip Blom (NL)
  • Naked Cameo (AT)


  • Fais (NL)
  • Smerz (NO)
  • Stelartronic (AT)
  • Solo Ansamblis (IT)


  • Témé Tan (BE)
  • Cosha (IE)
  • Aya Nakamura (FR)
  • Rosalía (ES)


  • Ace Tee (DE)
  • Eddy De Pretto (FR)
  • blackwave. (BE)
  • Reykjavíkurdætur (IS)


  • Albin Lee Meldau (SE)
  • Boy Pablo (NO)
  • Avec (AT)
  • Fil Bo Riva (IT)

Compared to Anglo-American music, the total percentage of music originating from continental Europe is relatively small. The Music Moves Europe Talent Awards are designed to accelerate the international careers of upcoming European artists.

Music Moves Europe

Music is one of the most popular forms of art, widely consumed, and a vibrant expression of Europe’s cultural diversity. Music Moves Europe, the overarching framework for the European Commission’s initiatives and actions in support of the European music sector, and Creative Europe, the EU funding programme for the culture and audiovisual sectors, aim to help the music sector flourish by, among other things, supporting the European Border Breakers Awards in previous years. As from now, to enhance creativity, diversity and competitiveness even better, this former prize is being replaced by the annual Music Moves Europe Talent Awards.

The Music Moves Europe Talent Awards are organised by ESNS and Reeperbahn Festival in partnership with Yourope, Independent Music Companies Association (IMPALA), International Music Managers Forum (IMMF), Liveurope, Live DMA, European Music Exporters Exchange (EMEE), Digital Music Europe (DME) and media partner European Broadcasting Union (EBU), with support from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Province of Groningen and the City of Groningen. The awards are implemented in close cooperation with the European Commission and financially supported by Creative Europe.


More information & contact

On the Music Moves Europe Talent Awards:

On Creative Europe:
On Music Moves Europe:
Facebook: Music Moves Europe Talent Awards / Creative Europe
Twitter: @mme_awards / @europe_creative
Instagram: mme_awards
Contact – Jorine Witte –

IMPALA – Independent Music Companies Association

Rue des Deux Eglises 37-39, 1000, Brussels, BELGIUM

+32 2 503 31 38