Brussels, 13th September 2023

Our latest One Step Ahead report titled “Rights & Consumption: Digital Developments and Innovation” is now out and members can download it here.

Although the digital market continues to diversify, a small number of platforms and business models continue to dominate and bring in the vast majority of revenue. 

However, the streaming services are constantly evolving their platforms and apps, introducing new discovery experiences, utilising and sharing data in different ways, and providing new promotional and upsell tools for artists and labels. Meanwhile, the business models employed by the big digital music companies are slowly evolving too, often in response to concerns raised by the industry. 

This report from One Step Ahead reviews some of the big developments and innovations of the last year, consider how the licensing of rights and consumption of music is going to change in the years ahead, and explain how all this impacts on independent music businesses.

CMU will go through the findings of the report in a pre-recorded webinar which will be available on demand for IMPALA members from 15th September on. Members can contact their national associations to access it.

IMPALA – Independent Music Companies Association

Rue des Deux Eglises 37-39, 1000, Brussels, BELGIUM

+32 2 503 31 38