13th July 2022,

Today, IMPALA launched a member survey on collecting societies.  

The survey, prepared by our collecting society committee, aims to gather feedback from IMPALA’s members across Europe on how they rate their respective collecting societies.

The survey is available here and a word version is available in the members-only section of our website and on demand from the secretariat.

Key performance areas are covered and IMPALA encourages all associations to send the survey on to their own local members to gain a good picture of what happens on the ground. 

With the EU’s recent report on collective management, now is a good time to assess how societies perform across key areas on a daily basis. 

Collecting societies play a fundamental role in the music ecosystem and it is vital that they perform efficiently and effectively. With this survey, IMPALA’s collecting society committee aims to test how they work in practice. 

Thanks in advance to all members for taking the time to fill out the survey and for promoting it within local associations.  

IMPALA – Independent Music Companies Association

Rue des Deux Eglises 37-39, 1000, Brussels, BELGIUM

+32 2 503 31 38