Warsaw, 10th December 2018

IMPALA attends “Independent Music Day” organised by ANPM, Poland’s alliance of independent music companies

IMPALA’s President Kees van Weijen took part in the “Independent Music Day” conference in Warsaw, organised by Poland’s newly established and fast-growing alliance of independent music companies, which already counts 35 members. 

Kees, also President of the Dutch association of independent music companies STOMP, gave a presentation on the importance for independents of setting up national trade associations and working together locally, across Europe and internationally as part of bodies such as IMPALA and WIN. 

Kees said: “It is fantastic to see Polands’ indies join forces and create their own organisation. Together we are stronger, and Poland is a great addition to the collective voice of independents in Europe. IMPALA has been working hard for the past years to help set up such national structures in European countries where they didn’t exist. Poland has a thriving music scene and a market with huge potential, it is the perfect time for indies to create their own body, and we wish ANMP all the best in setting up!”

Andrzej Dąbrowski, Partner at Independent Digital and board member of ANPM, presented the newly created idea of closely cooperating indie music producers and their objectives. Andrzej commented: “Today is our declaration of independence! Following the example of other associations across Europe, ANPM aims to be the voice of indies in discussions with decision-makers, collective management organisations and broadcasters. We want to help increase the share of Polish independent music inside and outside Poland, and help our members build expertise.” 

ANPM was set up with the help of Poland’s Ministry of Culture. Anna Ceynowa, Head of the Creative Sectors’ section at the Polish Department of IP and Media, delivered a presentation on the government’s tools to support the export of Polish music. Anna said: “Poland has a flourishing music scene, across many different genres and generations, with enormous potential to grow. We have introduced various support instruments to help creative sectors reach their full potential, especially in terms of export.” Anna continued: “One such mechanism is our grant programme that helps to set up and further develop long-lasting structures that will also serve for artists and music companies in every aspect of the music business. Since 2016, our programme helped establish our export office “Music Export Poland”, a network for regional music called “Tak Brzmi Miasto – Incubator” and the independent music companies network ”ANPM”. We believe that in the coming years we will have well-functioning and self-sustainable organisations that will collectively contribute substantially to the development of the Polish music sector and its export.” 




IMPALA was established in April 2000 to represent European independent music companies. 99% of Europe’s music companies are SMEs. Known as the “independents”, they are world leaders in terms of innovation and discovering new music and artists – they produce more than 80% of all new releases and account for 80% of the sector’s jobs (for more information, see the features of independents). IMPALA’s mission is to grow the independent music sector, return more value to artists, promote cultural diversity and entrepreneurship, improve political access and modernise perceptions of the music sector. See the organisation’s key achievements in IMPALA’s milestones. More on

About ANPM

ANPM represents the interests of independent music on the Polish market. Launched in October 2018, it aims to be the voice of independents in discussions with policy-makers, collective management organisations and broadcasters. It provides legal and market knowledge to its members and works to increase the share and competitiveness of Polish independent music inside and outside Poland. More on ANPM’s facebook page and website

IMPALA – Independent Music Companies Association

Rue des Deux Eglises 37-39, 1000, Brussels, BELGIUM

+32 2 503 31 38