Brussels, 18th October 2013

Like-minded organisations, federations and associations from the European cultural and creative sectors have formed a coalition: Creativity Works!. Its objective is to kick-start an open and informed dialogue with EU policy-makers about the economic and cultural contribution made by creators and the cultural and creative sectors in the digital age. Members are brought together by a sincere belief in creativity, creative content, cultural diversity and freedom of expression. Creativity Works! held its launch event on 16 October at the Royal Museums of Art and History, Parc du Cinquantenaire, Brussels, with Commissioner for Culture Androulla Vassiliou and Michel Lambot, co-founder and co-president [PIAS] Music Group, as keynote speakers.

Members include:

ACT – Association of Commercial Television in Europe
CEPI – European Coordination of Independent Producers
FEP – Federation of European Publishers
FERA – Federation of European Film Directors
FIAPF – International Federation of Film Producers Associations
IMPALA – Independent Music Companies Association
ISFE – Interactive Software Federation of Europe
IVF – International Video Federation
MPA – Motion Picture Association
Premier League/SROC
UNIC – Internation Union of Cinemas

The speakers at the 16th of October event: 

Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner, Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth
Arlene McCarthy, MEP
Alain Berliner, Film Director
Michel Lambot, Co-founder and co-president [PIAS] Music Group
Helienne Lindvall, Songwriter, musician and columnist, moderating
François Pernot, CEO Comics and Animation division, Media Participations, Dargaud-Lombard 

You can access the press release, brochure and mission statement via the links below:

Press Release:
Creativity Works! Launch – Press release

Creativity Works! brochure

Mission Statement:
Creativity Works – Mission statement

IMPALA – Independent Music Companies Association

Rue des Deux Eglises 37-39, 1000, Brussels, BELGIUM

+32 2 503 31 38