Dario Draštata



Dario Draštata is the executive director of Dallas Records Croatia and Serbia with 25 years of experience in the music industry, from record label & publishing, to promoting, booking and management. Before starting at Dallas Records he was a DJ, music editor and music journalist . Since its foundation in 2018 he is the president of RUNDA – the regional trade association of indie labels in the Balkans and from September 2023 the chair of IMPALA. He’s also a member of IMPALA’s management committee, board member of HDU/Zapraf – Croatian Discographic Association and Collective Society, as well as board member of Association of music managers and promoters Croatia.

IMPALA – Independent Music Companies Association

Rue des Deux Eglises 37-39, 1000, Brussels, BELGIUM

+32 2 503 31 38
