Csaba Nasz

Csaba Nasz is co-president of HAIL, the Hungarian Association of Independent Labels. He gained experience in the music industry heading a local affiliate and managing the Central and Eastern European business development activities of Warner Music Group, setting up new business structures for digital content in the territory. Now he is supporting and consulting regional independent labels, artists, associations, digital music services and startups to take off and expand within the region and internationally, providing know-how in terms of market knowledge, digital strategy planning, operational execution and copyright structures management. He coordinates activities of The state51 Music Group in the CEE region, works at HAIL in providing hands-on support/tools for the local and regional independent music industry players and he represents the independents’ interests in the board of the local Hungarian collecting society.

IMPALA – Independent Music Companies Association

Rue des Deux Eglises 37-39, 1000, Brussels, BELGIUM

+32 2 503 31 38
