London, 27th February 2019

  • Phillips appointed Chief Operating Officer
  • Remit to focus on supporting WIN’s network of independent associations

The Worldwide Independent Network (WIN) has today announced its appointment of Charlie Phillips to lead the network’s operations, stepping up from his previous role as Director of Legal and Business Affairs.

In his new role as COO, Phillips will focus on furthering WIN’s commitment to advancing, assisting and educating its network of international trade bodies, while also managing its day-to-day operations. He will also continue to lead the sector’s work on international performance rights, representing independent rights holders in various international industry forums and initiatives. 

He will report directly to the organisation’s newly-elected Chair, Justin West of Secret City Records in Canada, with supervision from WIN’s board of directors, who together represent the majority of the independent global music market. His promotion comes at an exciting time for WIN, which is poised for expansion during a time of healthy growth for music markets throughout the world.

Phillips has worked for WIN since 2011 where he has been instrumental in establishing its status and its global membership. Prior to joining WIN, he was head of legal and commercial affairs at AIM. Since qualifying as a solicitor, Phillips’ legal career has spanned a broad range of areas of today’s digital music and creative industries, including a position as legal advisor for recordings industry body IFPI. His particular areas of expertise cover international performance rights licensing, as well as the interaction between music rights and data. He represents WIN members within DDEX and ISO.

Said Charlie Phillips: “I am delighted to step up to the role of COO of WIN, and to have been given the opportunity to take WIN forward into this exciting new phase. In recent years, our global network of independent associations has already more than proved its worth in supporting independent labels and their artists to achieve success. I look forward to building on this success, and taking WIN to the next stage of its mission to deliver real benefit to the international independent sector.”

Added Justin West: “A strong global network of independent trade associations is fundamental to confronting anti-competitive behaviour, maintaining a level-playing field for indies, and fighting for fair and transparent policies across our sector. Charlie has always been a great advocate for the independent community and, with both his experience and expertise, brings the right set of skills to run WIN and carry-out its mission. It’s exciting to see him step into this role and move the organization forward.”

About WIN

Representing national independent music trade bodies globally, WIN counts member associations across Europe, Latin America, North America, Asia and Australasia. WIN acts as a global co-ordinating and supporting body for the independent sector, acting as a voice on issues of global significance when required. More information is available at

IMPALA – Independent Music Companies Association

Rue des Deux Eglises 37-39, 1000, Brussels, BELGIUM

+32 2 503 31 38