On this page, we posted genre and language playlists every month. Celebrating music in Europe today, these playlists were curated by IMPALA’s members. The 20Tracks series of playlists highlights the independent sector in all its diversity.

The diversity of European independent record labels is all the more visible through the multiplicity of languages, as well as all the different musical genres they pioneer.

Each month we featured a genre and a language, so get your headphones on and discover 28 great playlists below.

This playlist series was launched as part of IMPALA20 year-long celebrations for our 20th anniversary. Find out more on the dedicated blog right here and discover other #IMPALA20 highlights.

20Tracks#28 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #28 – 20 tracks in Norwegian

This playlist features 20 tracks in Norwegian by 20 independent artists. Curated by our member FONO.

20Tracks#27 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #27 – 20 RnB music tracks

This playlist features 20 RnB music tracks by 20 artists signed to European independent record labels.

20Tracks#26 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #26 – 20 folk music tracks

This playlist features 20 folk music tracks by 20 artists signed to European independent record labels.

20Tracks#25 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #25 – 20 tracks in Italian

This playlist features 20 tracks in Italian by 20 independent artists.

20Tracks#24 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #24 – 20 classical music tracks

This playlist features 20 classical music tracks by 20 artists signed to European independent record labels.

20Tracks#23 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #23 – 20 tracks in Finnish

This playlist features 20 tracks in Finnish by 20 independent artists. Curated by our member Indieco.

20Tracks#22 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #22 – 20 jazz tracks

This playlist features 20 jazz tracks by 20 artists signed to European independent record labels.

20Tracks#21 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #21 – 20 tracks in Czech

This playlist features 20 tracks in Czech by 20 independent artists from the last 20 years. Curated by our
member Platforma.

20Tracks#20 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #20 – 20 tracks in Hungarian

This playlist features 20 tracks in Hungarian by 20 independent artists from the last 20 years. Curated by our member HAIL.

20Tracks#19 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #19 – 20 electronic music tracks

This playlist features 20 electronic music tracks by 20 artists signed to European independent record labels.

20Tracks#18 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #18 – 20 tracks in German

This playlist features 20 tracks in German by 20 European independent artists from the last 20 years. 

20Tracks#17 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #17 – 20 solo artists

This playlist features 20 tracks by 20 solo artists signed to European independent record labels.

20Tracks#16 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #16 – 20 tracks in French

This playlist features 20 tracks in French by 20 independent artists from France, Belgium and Switzerland from the last 20 years, curated by our members UPFIFELIN, BIMA and IndieSuisse.

20Tracks#15 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #15 – 20 instrumental tracks

This playlist features 20 instrumental tracks by 20 independent artists signed to European independent labels.

20Tracks#14 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #14 – 20 tracks in Hebrew

This playlist features 20 tracks in Hebrew by 20 independent artists, curated by our member PIL.

20Tracks#13 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #13 – 20 tracks from the Balkans

This playlist features 20 tracks in Bosnian, Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian and Slovenian, by 20 independent artists from the Balkans, curated by our member RUNDA.

20Tracks#12 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #12 – 20 pop rock tracks

This playlist features 20 tracks by 20 indie pop rock artists signed to European record labels.

20Tracks#11 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #11 – 20 tracks in English

This playlist features 20 tracks in English by 20 British and Irish independent artists, curated by our member AIM.

20Tracks#10 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #10 – 20 tracks in Spanish

This playlist features 20 tracks in Spanish by 20 Spanish independent artists, curated by our member UFI.

20Tracks#9 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #9 – 20 hip-hop tracks

This playlist features 20 tracks by 20 independent European hip-hop artists

20Tracks#8 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #8 – 20 tracks in Dutch

This playlist features 20 tracks in Dutch by 20 Dutch and Belgian independent artists, curated by our members STOMP and BIMA.

20Tracks#7 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #7 – 20 tracks in Portuguese

This playlist features 20 tracks in Portuguese by 20 Portuguese independent artists, curated by our member AMAEI.

20Tracks#6 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #6 – 20 tracks in Swedish

This playlist features 20 tracks in Swedish by 20 Swedish independent artists, curated by our member SOM.

20Tracks#5 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #5 – 20 tracks in Danish

This playlist features 20 tracks in Danish by 20 Danish independent artists, curated by our member DUP.

20Tracks#4 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #4 – 20 best-selling independent artists

20 tracks from 20 of the best-selling independent European albums of the last 20 years.

20Tracks#3 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #3 – 20 tracks in Polish

This playlist features 20 tracks in Polish by 20 Polish independent artists, curated by our member ANPM.

20Tracks#2 – IMPALA 20th anniversary #2 – 20 tracks in Romanian

This playlist features 20 tracks in Romanian by 20 Romanian independent artists from the last 20 years, curated by curated our member INDIERO.

20Tracks#1 – IMPALA 20th Anniversary #1 album of the year – the first 10 years

2 singles from each of the 10 “IMPALA European Independent Album of the Year” award winners 

IMPALA – Independent Music Companies Association

Rue des Deux Eglises 37-39, 1000, Brussels, BELGIUM

+32 2 503 31 38