10th February 2022,

PMI, the Italian Association of Independent Music Producers, in collaboration with IMPALA and Rockol, has created the Sustainable Music Manifesto: a programme of 10 targets that music industry actors and artists can undertake to pursue by signing the Manifesto.

The Manifesto has a triple objective: to raise awareness of the problem, including the “environmental education” of employees and music consumers; promoting initiatives that reduce the environmental impact of the entire supply chain and that use music as a vehicle to support more sustainable environmental policies and behaviours; maintain a constant dialogue with the national and local institutions to advocate for initiatives in favour of environmental sustainability of the music sector and encourage the economic strengthening of companies in the face of investments to adapt to the new sustainability parameters.

One of the most urgent problems that the cultural sector, and therefore also music, must face today is the environmental impact of the creation and dissemination of works. The typical activities of the music sector, evaluated from the point of view of sustainability, highlight many critical issues: from the production and transport of physical products, the use, and subsequent dispersion of plastic, to the digital distribution of the music whose high cost, in terms of energy consumption, is not perceived by businesses, let alone the public. The industry has already begun to mitigate the impact of the live sector, but much remains to be done on merchandising, distribution, and consumption of recorded music and so on.

Many European companies have already identified this issue as essential, and many companies have already equipped themselves with a “sustainability manager” as an essential part in corporate decision making.

It is necessary to encourage the entire supply chain to adopt practices that are not harmful to the environment and to promote responsible behaviour which could have positive influence on music consumers. 

The 10-point manifesto, created by a team of professionals led by Francesca Trainini (IMPALA’s Chair and Vice-President of PMI), was presented during the 72nd edition of the Sanremo Festival at Casa SIAE during the panel Musica Sostenibile: il green non può più attendere, an event that saw the participation of Francesca Trainini, Enzo Mazza (CEO of FIMI), Licia Del Greco (Chief Innovation & Strategy Officer and Head of International Relations at SIAE) and Davide Poliani (Journalist at Rockol).

The Manifesto can be signed by all actors in the music industry and artists who want to take on the environmental sustainability of the sector as a primary objective of their activities.

You can sign the Manifesto here


The Sustainable Music Manifesto

1) Sustainability to become top priority
2) Each company to have a sustainability manager
3) Define a “Road map” of events in which labels discuss the initiatives to reduce their carbon footprint.
4) Promote cultural initiatives to support environmentally friendly political choices and responsible behaviour by
5) Promote and adopt a reporting tool such as the carbon calculator
6) Follow the best practices adopted by the label sector such as Global pact
7) Support environmental awareness initiatives and training courses for staff, with the aim of producing sets of best practices accepted by the industry
8) Cooperate with suppliers (manufacturing, merchandise, transport, energy) to lower the impact of their services
9) Liaise with public institutions at national and local level and request initiatives to help the labels achieve sustainability
10) Spread information about the funding available at national and EU level through the Next Generation EU and PNRR programmes

See the original version here.

IMPALA – Independent Music Companies Association

Rue des Deux Eglises 37-39, 1000, Brussels, BELGIUM

+32 2 503 31 38