IMPALA’s action plan calls for a new European industrial policy to drive the digital market through the cultural & creative sectors as part of Europe’s strategy for growth and jobs. Helen Smith, Executive Chair of IMPALA said: “The aim of our Digital Action Plan is to inspire decision makers, ensure Europe’s position as a global power, and re-engage Europe with its creators and citizens. Let’s set new standards to make Europe the best place in the world for artists and other creators and for culture enthusiasts.”
10 points (click to view the relevant chapter online)
Michel Lambot, Co-Founder of [PIAS] and Board member of IMPALA said: “The challenge now is to build on Europe’s thriving digital market through a serious industrial policy that boosts smaller players, gets more investment, provides more exposure for all artists, and then of course quantifies the results. This is what our Action Plan is about.”
IMPALA – Independent Music Companies Association
Rue des Deux Eglises 37-39, 1000, Brussels, BELGIUM