
IMPALA’s aim here is to keep independents one step ahead in the digital market. (This page focuses on what we are doing commercially with our digital committee, for more on our other work, check out our pages on live streaming, copyright, industrial policy for culture, market consolidation etc).

IMPALA members benefit directly from the work of our digital committee by staying on top of the developments in the digital market. They can also maximise their Merlin membership as the independents’ digital rights agency offers a discount to IMPALA members and members of IMPALA’s member associations at national level.
IMPALA’s digital committee has the task of ensuring independents are proactive when it comes to digital issues. Meeting monthly, the committee also holds monthly meetings with Merlin to exchange information and relay questions from the committee. 
The committee is also in contact with several leading digital platforms. Discussions mainly revolve around streaming manipulation and streaming models. IMPALA has also set up an intelligence facility for IMPALA members known as “One Step Ahead”, thanks to a digital capacity grant from Merlin. The project delivers data and analysis on key digital issues in European markets, including national level trends and opportunities for trade associations and members. 
Discussions on streaming distribution models remain high on IMPALA’s agenda. Instead of looking at this as a choice between two models, IMPALA’s focus is working on an optimal model which would include pro-temporis and other elements. Our streaming group released a 10-point plan to make the most of streaming, originally released in March 2021, and updated in March 2023, following a month-long review process launched on the two-year anniversary of the first plan. Differentiation in rates by services is one of our main themes, so we have several proposals to shift how revenue is generated and allocated.
Aside from streaming models, and streaming manipulation, other issues being discussed by the committee include the impact of podcast and audiobooks on streaming, market developments with digital players, getting digital services to facilitate titles in different languages & search by label, monetisation on music streaming platforms, access to playlists, the domain .music, and live streaming and more.
IMPALA launched a working group dedicated to Web3, Metaverse, NFTs and related issues, tasked with providing guidance to IMPALA members on these topics.
AI is another topic high on IMPALA’s agenda. IMPALA is a signatory of the Human Artistry campaign which sets out 7 core principles for AI applications to protect human creativity. Members can also find our contribution to the European commission’s white paper on AI from 2020 here.

IMPALA – 10 steps to make the most of streaming

Code of Best Practice – Streaming code adopted June 2019


IMPALA – Independent Music Companies Association

Rue des Deux Eglises 37-39, 1000, Brussels, BELGIUM

+32 2 503 31 38